Urusei Yatsura

(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )

We Are , 6/10
Slain By , 5/10
Everybody Loves , 4/10

(Clicka qua per la versione Italiana)

Urusei Yatsura, led by guitarists and vocalists Graham Kemp and Fergus Lawrie, is yet another pop band from Scotland, but this time they renege on the entire sugary school of their predecessors and embrace Pavement's lo-fi approach. The jewels of We Are (Che, 1996), i.e. the three singles that preceded it (Siamese, Plastic Ashtray and Kewpies Like Watermelon), sport the same indulgent amateurish sound, blasted by distorted guitars, although supported by the droning ambience coined by their fellow countrimen Jesus And Mary Chain. The project resembles what Blumfeld did in Germany.

Pulpo (Che, 1997) is a compilation of the 1995-1997 singles. Kozee Heart and Strategic Hamlets are still the highlights of their early days.

Strategic Hamlets, Fake Fur and Hello Tiger are duplicated on second album Slain By (Che, 1998). Little else of notice transpires. The verve and the passion are gone, replaced by polite and uninspired playing.

Third album Everybody Loves (Oni, 2000) experiments with a few decadent ballads but its strength still rests on the bedlams of Louche 33 and Superdeformer.

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