Village Of Savoonga
(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )

Village Of Savoonga , 6/10
Philipp Schatz , 7/10
Score , 7/10 (mini)

Markus Archer of Notwist is also the leader of Village Of Savoonga, another experimental, brainy project that bridges kraut-rock of the 1970s and post-rock of the 1990s. Village Of Savoonga (Hausmusik, 1992) was still a tentative work, uncertain between cacophony and gloom.

Philipp Schatz (Hausmusik, 1996) displays the elegance, austerity and depth of classical music. Pieces like Nunca Serenada, Partida, Notion, In Search Of The White Room, Music For Hydrophonic Instruments apply techniques and styles that were invented 30 years earlier but with the wisdom of 30 years later.

The mini-album Score (Hausmusik, 1998) completes the progression from Faust, from industrial music and from minimalism towards abstraction, free association and stream of consciousness. The six pieces of this work straddle the line between expressionist drama and psychedelic doom. Helicopter Song is music for dissonant guitars, metals, samples and drones that undulates with a sort of supernatural melody (play the CD at double speed and it almost sounds like church music). The Ground Below and Above Our Heads use even less organic sounds to create a "sound". The first part of Score is closer to the violenti, nihilistic post-everything philosophy of Einsturzende Neubaten, while the second part is simply a minimalistic (repetitive) pattern, as is the more haunting Neve. Village of Savoonga's 14 - 09 - 01 (Hausmusik, 2003) is a live recording.

(Translation by/ Tradotto da Elio Helman)

Markus Archer dei Notwist è anche il Leader dei "Village of Savoonga", un’altro sperimentale e cervellotico progetto che attraversa (abbraccia) il Kraut-rock degli anni ’70 ed il post-rock dei ’90. Villange of Savoonga (Hausmusik, 1992) è un ulteriore tentativo, incerto tra una inutile cacofonia di suoni e la depressione.

Philipp Schatz (Hausmusik, 1996) mostra l’eleganza, l’austerità e la profondità della musica classica. Brani come: Nunca Serenada, Partida, Notion, In Search Of The White Room, Music For Hydrophonic Instruments applicano tecniche e stili musicali che sono stati inventati 30 anni prima, ma con la saggezza di 30 anni dopo.

Score (Hausmusik, 1998) completa la progressione dai Faust, dalla musica industriale e dal minimalismo fino all’astrazione, libera associazione e flusso di coscienza.

I cinque brani di questo lavoro vacillano tra il dramma espressionistico e la rovina psichedelica.

Helicopter Song, Score, Ground Below, Above Our Heads, Neve flirtano con suoni disgiunti, eventi dissonanti, giocando tra sonorità ricercate ed un intricate prog-rock.

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