Robbie Williams was a member of the obnoxious teenage band Take That
(the British counterpart of New Kids Around the Block).
As a solo artist, with the albums Life Thru A Lens
(that includes the ballad Angels,
Lazy Days, South of the Border and the unusually
aggressive Let Me Entertain You and Old Before I Die, a reply
of sorts to Who's famous motto)
I've Been Expecting You (Chrysalis, 1998), that includes
the hip hop-based Millennium, the ballads Strong and
No Regrets, and the forceful Win Some Lose Some,
he reshaped himself as an Elton John of the post-hip-hop era.
The two albums were compiled in America on
The Ego Has Landed (Capitol, 1999).
The midtempo soul of Rock DJ announced the equally entertaining or
boring (depending on taste)
Sing When You're Winning (Capitol, 2000), with another bunch of
catchy ditties (Let Love Be Your Energy and Supreme to start
Williams rejoined Take That after 15 years for Progress (2010).
(Translation by/ Tradotto da Massimo Mascia)
Robbie Williams è
stato un membro della perniciosa boyband Take That (la
controparte britannica dei New Kids Around the Block). Come
artista solista, con gli album Life Thru A Lens (che
include la ballata Angels, Lazy Days, South of
the Border e le insolitamente aggressive Let Me Entertain
You e Old Before I Die, una sorta di risposta al
celeberrimo motto degli Who) e I've Been Expecting You
(Chrysalis, 1998), che include Millennium su base hip-hop,
le ballate Strong e No Regrets, e la poderosa Win
Some Lose Some, si è ritagliato per sé stesso
un ruolo da Elton John dell'era post-hip-hop.
In America i due dischi sono stati riuniti con il
titolo di The Ego Has Landed (Capitol, 1999).
Il soul mid-tempo di Rock DJ fa da araldo
all'equamente divertente o noioso (a seconda del palato) Sing
When You're Winning (Capitol, 2000), un altro fastello di
canzoncine orecchiabili (prime fra tutte Let Love Be Your
Energy e Supreme).