Marvelous 3

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Hey! Album , 5/10
Ready Sex Go , 4/10

Marvelous 3 is an Atlanta-based power-pop trio led by vocalist and guitarist Butch Walker and rounded up by bassist Jayce Fincher and drummer Slug. The band debuted with Math And Other Problems (Deep South, 1997).

Hey! Album (Nu-clear, 1998 - Elektra, 1999) spawned the hit single and signature tune Freak Of The Week. A retro, hook-driven approach a` la Cheap Trick yielded several cute ditties such as Indie Queen, Vampires In Love, You're So Yesterday. On the other hand, the mildly psychedelic Until You See and Lemonade displayed the limits of the band. The arena ballad Let Me Go is particularly embarassing. Over Your Head is a cover of Steve Miller's Space Cowboy.

Ready Sex Go (Elektra, 2000) opens with a slab of Clash-style punk-pop: Little Head. Then it rolls out the angry and epic rant of Grant Park, worthy of Slade or Queen. But silly ditties such as Supernatural, Cold As Hell, This Time are third-rate Beatles, and the choral power-ballad Radio Tokyo and the Queen-style melodrama of Cigarette Lighter Love Song sound like self-parodies.

Butch Walker launched a successful solo career with the more conventional pop ballads of Left of Self Centered (2002) and Letters (2004). After an odd tribute to David Bowie's glam-rock, The Rise and Fall of Butch Walker and the Let's-Go-Out-Tonites (2006), and after writing Pink's Leave Me Alone (2006), Walker released his most personal album, Sycamore Meadows (2008), containing The Weight of Her and Here Comes The. A new backup band, the Black Widows, helped Walker on I Liked It Better When You Had No Heart (2010) chisel the rocker Trash Day but the pensive mood of the previous album still permeated Don't You Think Someone Should Take You Home. Walker now also displayed an elegant passion for orchestral pop (Stripped Down Version, Pretty Melody, House of Cards). Spade (2011), instead, seemed to lose sight of all three strands (the introverted, the orchestral and the rocking), content with rehashing stereotypes of blue-collar rock in Bodegas and Blood, Summer of `89, Sweethearts, etc.

(Translation by/ Tradotto da Andrea Marengo)

Marvelous 3 è un terzetto power-pop di Atlanta capitanato dal cantante e chitarrista Butch Walker, che radunò il bassista Jayce Fincher e il batterista Slug. La formazione debuttò con Math And Other Problems (Deep South, 1997).

Hey! Album (Nu-clear, 1998 - Elektra, 1999) conteneva la hit/sigla di Freak Of The Week. Un approccio retrò fruttava numerosecanzonettegraziose quali Indie Queen, Vampires In Love, You Are So Yesterday. D'altronde, le leggere psichedelie di Until You See e Lemonade mostravano i limiti del gruppo. L'arena ballad di Let Me Go è particolarmente imbarazzante. Over Your Head è una cover di Space Cowboy di Steve Miller.

Ready Sex Go (Elektra, 2000) inizia con una lastra punk-pop alla maniera dei Clash: Little Head, per poi srotolarsi nella furente declamazione epica di Grant Park (che farebbe invidia a Slade e Queen). Ma canzonette sciocche quali Supernatural, Cold As Hell, e This Time sembrano appartenere a dei Beatles di terza categoria, mentre la power-ballad Radio Tokio e il melodramma alla maniera dei Queen di Cigarette Lighter Love Song sembrano auto-parodie.

Successivamente Butch Walker lanciò una carriera solista di successo con le più convenzionali ballate pop di Self Centered (2002) e Letters (2004).

Dopo The Rise And Fall Of Butch Walker And The Let's-Go-Out-Tonites (2010) un bizzarro tributo al glam-rock di David Bowie e Pink's Leave Me Alone (2006), Walker pubblicò il suo album più personale, Sycamore Meadows (2008), contenente The Weight Of Her e Here Comes The.

Una nuova band di supporto, i Black Widows, aiutarono Walker su I Liked It Better When You Had No Heart (2010) contenente la "rockettara" Trash Day, ma la vena pensosa dell'album precedente permea nuovamente su Don't You Think Someone Should Take You Home. Walker mostra ora anche un'elegante passione per il pop orchestrale (Stripped Down Version, Pretty Melody, House Of Cards).

Spade (2011), che sembrava invece perdere di vista tutti e tre gli elementi portanti della sua musica (quella introversa, quella orchestrale, e quella più "rock"), contiene stereotipi riciclati dal blue-collar rock come evidenziano Bodegas and Blood, Summer Of '89, Sweethearts, ecc...

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