
(Copyright © 2020 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of Use )
Damsel in Distress (2014), 6/10
Heterocetera (2015), 6.5/10 (EP)
Agitations (2015), 7/10

(Clicka qua per la versione Italiana)

Lotic, the project of Berlin-based Texas producer J'Kerian Morgan, evolved via the four-song EP Fallout (2013), the single Sankofa / Glittering (2013) and the 27-minute mixtape Damsel in Distress (2014), that contained virtuoso collages of noise and of samples (including wild remixes of pop hits). The five-song instrumental EP Heterocetera (2015), that includes material from the mixtape, blends metallic industrial sounds and psychological disorientation. If Slay feels like an old-fashioned collage of musique concrete, the ticking lacerating angst of Suspension and the dizzying cacophony that opens Heterocetera before it becomes a more conventional carillon speak to dancers in a disturbed mental state. The inspiration seems to come from wildly disparate sources. For example, Underneath sounds like a cross between a Bach fugue and a 19th-century carillon made in a mental asylum.

The 30-minute ten-song mixtape Agitations (2015) delivered an even more disorienting and abrasive cauldron of mangled melodies, dislocated beats and evil electronics., especially the strangled ear-splitting creatures of Carried and the radioactive whipping of Banished.

After a few years of silence, she announced that she was transgender, and released Power (Tri Angle, 2018) , the single Burn A Print (2020) and Cocky (2020).

(Copyright © 2020 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )