Porridge Radio, the project of vocalist and guitarist Dana Margolin,
debuted with the lo-fi bedroom albums
Misery Radio (Eyeless, 2015) and
I'm Not Sure Anymore (2015).
The latter showed her potential in songs like the sloppy singalong
Go Away and the slow-motion Lou Reed-ian Say Hi.
Porridge Radio became a real band on
Rice, Pasta and Other Fillers (Memorials of Distinction, 2016),
with a solid power-trio backing Margolin. They deliver simple
melodic rock tunes like Lemonade and especially Eugh as well as more poignant angst-filled tunes like Barks Like a Dog.
Alas, the seven-minute Can U Hear Me Now? sounds like second-rate
Patti Smith.
The highlights of the more polished Every Bad (Secretly Canadian, 2020)
are the suspenseful grunge of Sweet and the
catchy refrain of Don't Ask Me Twice.
Waterslide, Diving Board, Ladder to the Sky (Secretly Canadian, 2022)
has three great songs:
the visceral litany of Birthday Party,
the swirling and schizophrenic U Can Be Happy If U Want T,
and the agonizing and organ-driven Splintered.
The single Back to the Radio, instead, tries in vain to ignite
a trite singalong.
Most of the album lacks those three peaks of passion and sounds like filler.
(Copyright © 2020 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )
(Translation by/ Tradotto da Antonio Amato )
I Porridge Radio, il progetto della cantante e chitarrista Dana Margolin, hanno esordito con gli album lo-fi Misery Radio (Eyeless, 2015) e I'm Not Sure Anymore (2015).
Quest’ultimo mostra il suo potenziale in canzoni come la maldestra Go Away e la Lou Reed-iana Say Hi. I Porridge Radio diventano una vera band in Rice, Pasta and Other Fillers (Memorials of Distinction, 2016),
con un solido power trio ad accompagnare Margolin. La loro proposta è composta da brani rock semplici e melodici come Lemonade e in particolare Eugh,
così come brani strazianti e pieni di rabbia come Barks Like a Dog. Purtroppo, i sette minuti di Can U Hear Me Now? sembrano una Patti Smith di second’ordine.
I momenti salienti del più curato Every Bad (Secretly Canadian, 2020) sono il grunge ricco di suspense di Sweet e il ritornello orecchiabile di Don't Ask Me Twice.