
(Copyright © 2023 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of Use )

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Invisible Anatomy was a group of young New York-based classical composers: Ian Gottlieb (cello), Paul Kerekes (piano/keyboards), Brendon Randall-Myers (guitars), Daniel Schlosberg (piano/keyboards), Benjamin Wallace (percussion) and Fay Wang (vocals). Their Dissections (2018) contains compositions premiered in 2016.

Brendan Randall-Myers became the conductor of the Glenn Branca Ensemble after Branca's death in 2018.

Brendan Randall-Myers went on to play guitar in New York's band Marateck with Jesse Kranzler (guitar), Tristan Kasten-Krause (bass) and Mark Utley (drums). They recorded Time is Over (2017).

Brendon Randall-Myers also featured in some notable collaborations: Dynamics of Vanishing Bodies (2020) with the group Dither (Taylor Levine, Joshua Lopes, James Moore, Gyan Riley), and A Kind of Mirror (2021) with pianist Miki Sawada.

Brendon Randall-Myers and vocalist Doug Moore of Pyrrhon formed Scarcity to play avantgarde black-metal music influenced by Jute Gyte's "microtonal" black-metal and Liturgy's cross of black metal and post-rock, and of course by Glenn Branca’s guitar symphonies. Aveilut (2022) is a suite in five movements. It opens with a fog of ominous drones and echoes that overlap and collide while torrential drumming blackens the background. Then the guitars turn into sirens and the screams emerge from their circle of hell. The second movement opens with a mechanical hard-rocking riff. The demonic vocals wade through galopping drumbeats and fluttering guitar patterns, and then the movement morphs into a pummeling orgy. The third movement has all the instruments beating a train-evoking rhythm, which is littered with surges of fetid black-metal neurosis. The fourth movement opens with a volley of dissonant, lacerating, siren-like hisses but eventually fades into a dark magma of wails and funereal rumbles. The 13-minute fifth movement builds up suspense to anthemic proportions with simple strumming and martial drumming, and the vocals eventually soar and dilate in a sky made of anguish. The last two minutes are left to a subdued neoclassical melody.

(Copyright © 2023 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )